[Week 1] Part 1: Ruby Foundations
2022. 9. 12. 06:48
- ● Primitive Data Types
- ○ Booleans
- ○ Integers
- ○ Floats # 소수점 을 포함하는 숫자
- ○ String Manipulation # string 삽입 #{} 사용, 인덱스[]를 사용하여 extract substring ..etc
- ○ Debugging
- Reading the stack trace
- Using debuggers correctly
- Intro to scientific method
- ● Methods, Iteration, Input/Output, Code Style
- ○ ArrayDRY # Don't Repeat Yourself
- ○ Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas
- # Blocks do / end 로 끝나거나, {} 으로 묶인 것. 다양한 변수를 가질 수 있다.
- # Lambdas is a way to define a block & its parameters with some special syntax. (첫번째 코드블락 참고)
- ○ Descriptive variable naming
- ○ Scope
say_something = -> { puts "This is a lambda" }
# "This is a lambda"
times_two = ->(x) { x * 2 }
# 20
참고: https://www.rubyguides.com/2016/02/ruby-procs-and-lambdas/