coding for food
[Ruby] exercise _ Caesar Cipher
2022. 8. 7. 07:21
Write a method caesar_cipher that takes in a string and a number. The method should return a new string where every character of the original is shifted num characters in the alphabet.
# Feel free to use this variable:
# alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def caesar_cipher(str, num)
puts caesar_cipher("apple", 1) #=> "bqqmf"
puts caesar_cipher("bootcamp", 2) #=> "dqqvecor"
puts caesar_cipher("zebra", 4) #=> "difve"
def caesar_cipher(str, num)
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
new_str = ""
str.each_char do |char|
old_idx = alphabet.index(char)
new_idx = old_idx + num
new_char = alphabet[new_idx % 26]
new_str += new_char
return new_str
puts caesar_cipher("apple", 1) #=> "bqqmf"
puts caesar_cipher("bootcamp", 2) #=> "dqqvecor"
puts caesar_cipher("zebra", 4) #=> "difve"